
Legal Notice

Information according to § 5 E-Commerce-Gesetz (Austrian E-Commerce Law)


Owner, publisher and editing

Plastech Holding GmbH
Am Hof 4 · 1010 Wien · Österreich
+43 (1) 405 97 71 0

Registry number: FN 477114p
Registered at: Handelsgericht Wien


Florian Frandl Markendesign


Florian Saria



Plastech Holding GmbH (Plastech) has checked the information provided on this website with utmost care and regularly updates them. Plastech reserves the right to alter, amend or delete this website in part or completely without prior notice or to to discontinue publication temporarily or for good.
Plastech does not warrant for the completeness, accuracy or topicality. In particular, Plastech is not liable for the content of external websites that are referenced from this website directly or indirectly via hyperlink.
Plastech disclaims liability for any material or intellectual damages, from the access to this website or the use or non-use of the information provided insofar as there is no demonstrable fault of an intentional or grossly negligent nature on the part of Plastech.
This general disclaimer is part of the internet offer from which you have been referred to this page. Should parts or individual formulations of this text not, no longer or not fully comply with the current law, all other sections of the document, their content and validity remain unaffected. All legal disputes which result from or in connection with the use of this website are subject to Austrian law under exclusion of the referral norms and UN commercial law.



This privacy policy informs users about the nature, scope and purpose of collection and use of personal data by the responsible provider the Plastech Trailer-Group GmbH (hereinafter – “the Offer“).


The provider (or his webspace provider) collects data of every access to the offer (so-called server log files). The access data include: Name of the retrieved Web page, file, date and time of the retrieval, data volume transferred, report on successful access, browser type and version, the operating system of the user, referrer URL (the previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider. The provider uses the log data for statistical analysis and only for the purpose of operation, security and optimization of the offer. The provider however reserves the right to review the log data, if on the basis of concrete evidence of legitimate suspicion of unlawful use.


Personal data is information that can be used to identify a person, i.e. information that can be traced back to a person. Personal data will only be collected from the provider, used and passed on if this is legally permitted or the users agree to the survey.


On our website we offer you the opportunity to contact us, either by email and/or by using a contact form. In such event, information provided by the user is stored for the purpose of facilitating communications with the user. No data is transferred to third parties.


Our website makes use of so-called cookies in order to recognize repeat use of our website by the same user/internet connection subscriber. Cookies are small text files that your internet browser downloads and stores on your computer. They are used to improve our website and services. In most cases these are so-called “session cookies” that are deleted once you leave our website. To an extent, however, these cookies also pass along information used to automatically recognize you. Recognition occurs through an IP address saved to the cookies. The information thereby obtained is used to improve our services and to expedite your access to the website. You can prevent cookies from being installed by adjusting the settings on your browser software accordingly. You should be aware, however, that by doing so you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (Google). Google Analytics uses cookies, i.e. text files stored on your computer to enable analysis of website usage by you. Information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. In case of activated IP anonymization on this website, however, your IP address is previously truncated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other states which are party to the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is a full IP address transmitted to a Google server in the United States and truncated there. On behalf this website’s owner, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports about website activities, and provide the website’s operator with further services related to website and Internet usage. The IP address sent from your browser as part of Google Analytics is not merged with other data by Google. You can prevent storage of cookies by appropriately setting your browser software; in this case, however, please note that you might not be able to fully use all functions offered by this website. In addition, you can prevent data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) from being collected and processed by Google, by downloading and installing a browser plug-in from the following link: